Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Parmentar come to visit

Grandma and Grandpa Parmentar came down to visit for the weekend. They came to see the girls, but ended up treating Chris and I to a relaxing weekend as well. They cooked dinner (and lunch and breakfast), helped change diapers, give bottles, and work on projects around the house. Mom got more rest this weekend than she has all week! It was good to see the inlaws :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Nursery pictures

Even the fat cat found a cozy corner in the nursery.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

They're back!

Ankle bones! For those of you would did not have the pleasure of seeing me in the week and a half after my c-section, I was unbelievably swolen. Even all of the nurses were amazed at how much water I retained from the surgery. It was fairly uncomfortable and slightly painful, but I am finally starting to return to my normal size (normal meaning post pregnancy size minus swelling:) ).
We sleep alot...
...except at night.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

We make funny faces

The Parmentar family is home!

We are both home!
We don't look it, but we are super comfy :)
Grandma Smart has been waiting for us
Mom and dad couldn't be happier...or more tired.
Since Lena has been home since Monday, we have had time to slowly adjust to having a new baby in the house. It has been fun, interesting, and tiring! Today Madeline was released to our care. She was not wanting to take her bottle at the hospital. Over the last couple days decided she missed her little buddy, and she got her act together so she could come home. We picked her up this afternoon. The whole Parmentar family has spent a day together eating, sleeping, and changing diapers... alot of diapers! Everyone is healthy and happy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First few days in the NICU

Lena in her isolette
Tummy time
A really tired mommy and her beautiful girls
Tiny girl!
Little Maddie and her feeding tube
Lunch time!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Here is the story...

My water ended up breaking on Monday evening while Chris and I were at home. It was about 9:30, and we made it to the hospital by 10:00. We were admitted, and I immediately started having pretty strong contractions. There was a hang up on removing all of the stitch that has been holding my cervix closed, so we believe that is what initially slowed my labor. By 3:00 the next afternoon I had only dialated to 5. That is when we decided to go ahead and have a c-section. By 3:47 both girls had entered the world. It was quite an experience! Exciting but scary! Madeline weighed 6lbs, 6ozs, and Lena weighed 5lbs, 5ozs.

I ended up being released from the hospital this afternoon (Saturday), but we had to leave our girls. Since they were a bit early, they have just a little bit of developing left to do. Lena will probably be the first to come home- hopefully in just a couple days. She is doing great eating from a bottle and keeping her food down. She had a couple issues with her body temp, but has got that under control. We need to see her gain a little weight and make sure she is not jaundice before she is realeased. Madeline needs to start taking her bottle more consistently. She is just a little too tired to take it herself all of the time, so she has a little feeding tube through her nose. Other than that, she is holding her own. We suspect they will both be home within two weeks- hopefully much sooner! We have two beautiful baby girls, and cannot wait to start our lives with them here at home!

The girls are here!!

Maddie all cleaned up
Lena all cleaned up
Madeline's first picture

Dad and Lena
Dad and Maddie

Getting ready to be parents...

Just decided to have a c-section.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nothing new

This has been a very uneventful weekend. I believe we were both thinking I would have gone into labor by now. My OBGYN seemed a little surprised on Friday that I had not been having more contractions. She has decided to take my cerclage out this Thursday if I have not gone into labor before then. Chris and I are very anxious for Lena and Maddy to get here! He asks every few hours if I feel any different. Unfortunately, I have not been able to give him the answer he is looking for!