Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Lena
Happy Madeline
It is so fun to watch the girls discover things... Maddie above, Lena below.

We have had lots of snow, so we were inside all day. I entertained all of us by taking lots of pictures. Also, Lena rolled over today! She is at the stage where her arm is stuck underneath her, but she will get it figured out soon enough.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More helpers

This was my kitchen last night as I was trying to make dinner. I don't think anyone was really helping, just making it a little more difficult to maneuver around as I cooked. At least I could keep tabs on everyone though!
The girls are wanting to play with the same toys as they lay on their mat. Lena started crying today when Maddie took the rattle from her. I'm still not sure if that is what caused her to be upset, but I think we are going to need to work on sharing!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fun pictures

Still working on it...tummy time. They still don't like it, but we still make them do it. It is funny that Madeline is rolling over (now that the grandparents are gone and she has been put down :) ), but she hates being on her belly!
My sister came to visit this weekend. It is amazing how well she handles the girls! I don't think I was that good with them until they had been home for a month! She was playing dress up with Maddie in this photo.
Click on this photo to enlarge it. Maddie rolled over, spit up, then smeared her face around in it. It was hilarious! How many pictures are on the blog that are similar to this?!?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The protector

Max has really taken to the girls. We spend a lot of time on the floor, so I was a little nervous he would trample Lena and Maddie. He has been great with them! Other than wanting to lick them all the time, he has been the perfect puppy (he is big, but only just over a year old). He constantly lays down on the floor next to them when they are playing.
Offering the girls his toy...
Just a relaxing afternoon. They are both putting everything into their mouths. Maddie can't quite figure out how to get that Cookie Monster in there!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lots of visitors!

My friend Michelle was in Columbus, so she came by to meet the little ladies. She has the touch!
Daddy givin' Maddie some love.

Grandma Marsha and Madeline

Grandma Sue and Lena

We had lots of visitors this past weekend. Chris and I were going to go skiing, so his mom and my parents were going to watch the girls so we could go. We ended up just relaxing at home while they took care of them! We went out with our friends one evening, and the next we went to a movie. It was soooo nice!

Max is back!

The girls weren't really sure what to think about him at first, but they seem to think of him as entertainment now! They stare at him with wide eyes, and watch him run around the room. Maddie is checking him out here.
He really loved the snow!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Maddie rolled over!

Kicked over...getting close!
Made what do I do with this arm??
Telling Lena about the big event.

"All you have to do is ..."

From what I read, it sounds as if most babies roll from their tummies to their backs first. Apparently we are taking the more difficult route. Yesterday Maddie rolled over to her stomach three times. She couldn't quite figure out how to get her arm out from underneath her, but today she did. She didn't seem very pleased with the result. I left her on her stomach until she started crying about two minutes after she rolled onto it. I bet Lena won't be far behind. I thought she might be the first to make the flip, because she has been getting over onto her shoulder for some time now. Big day in the Parmentar house!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mommy's little helpers

Sometimes while I make dinner, I move the girls into the kitchen so they can still see me... and hopefully not cry. They do their part by sitting their happy so I can get supper started before dad gets home!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dad's starting them early

Go Cubbies!! We really miss Chicago, but we are introducing our children to the fun things from the city early in life :) Actually, Chris was doing anything he could think of to get Lena to stop crying. She has been a momma's girl lately. As sweet as it is that she likes me to hold her, it is a little frustrating for both mom and dad that she cries for anyone else or when I put her down. Hopefully this is a short stage!

Great timing

I don't know that "great" really fits into this posting anywhere, but I just happened to be snapping Maddie's picture when she spit up in the middle of the couch. Gross. Don't worry, mom, we won't make you sleep on that couch when you come to visit. On the bright side, the girls are lifting their heads pretty well when they are on their bellies. Unfortunately, as soon as Maddie spit up she decided to put her head down and turn it from side to side before I could clean up the mess. Stinker.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ready, aim, fire!

Got him!
Look at that guilty face

Lena relaxing in the new chair

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

The girls on New Year's Eve with their noise makers

What a year for the Parmentar's! Just think, only two short years ago today Chris and I got engaged...seems like so much longer than that! Since then we have moved to a new state, bought a house, I changed jobs, we got married, we adopted a dog, I got pregnant and went on bed rest for almost four months, Chris was promoted, our beautiful baby girls were born, and I quit my job. Wow. It makes me tired just thinking about all of it. We feel extremely blessed to have everyone and everything that we do in our lives. 2008 was a great year for our family. After looking back, I wonder what will happen in 2009!?!