Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our weeks have become more consistent...preschool and playdates with our neighbor Zoe.  The girls were playing upstairs when I heard lots of giggling.  I went up to find them "at the beach."  They had drug out M and L's swim suits, and they were just wrapping up at the beach and headed to the pool.  What imaginations!
We drug the exersaucer up from the basement two days ago.  Jolie likes it, but much like her other toys, is only satisfied for a short time with it.  She would much rather be held.

We went with four other families from our cul de sac to pick apples last weekend.  There is also a corn maze and kid's rides at the orchard.  We were there for a couple hours, and we left with an exploding bag of apples.  However, I think M and L may have eaten more than they picked.  The next day Lena and I made an apple pie while Maddie and Jolie napped.  It was "super yummy!"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jolie's four month stats:
13 pounds (25-50%)
25 1/2" (90%)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Four months today!
This cracks me up.  They were sharing a treat at the mall.

Today was M and L's first day of preschool.  I thought they would do just fine, and they did.  I don't think they even noticed I left.  They couldn't get in their classroom fast enough.  We ran into their friend/our neighbor Zoe outside, so we had to get a picture with her.  They all asked if they could be in each other's class, but Zoe turns four in Novermber, so she is in the older class.  I love that they will be able to look back at this picture when they are in high school and giggle with each other.  They had so much fun today, and they (and I!) can't wait to go back Thursday.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

Maddie is typically the first one up from naps, so today she came into my room and helped me fold laundry.  She folded all the white wash cloths in the first picture.  Then she got goofy and started putting on Chris's clothes.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obviously I have taken a bit of a vacation from blogging this summer.  Here are tons of random photos from my phone that I finally got around to posting.  It is difficult to keep up for a number of reasons, but mostly because we spend so much time outside.  I have also had to separate the girls at nap time (one goes in the computer room) which is when I usually have a minute to write updates.  There are a few things that have happened over the summer that I want to write down, so I don't forget them:
1.  I had to remove a grape stem with tweezers that Lena shoved up her nose while we were at Burt Lake.
2.  M and L ask every day if they are starting school yet, if they get to ride the bus, and if we can go to Disney World.
3.  Lena thinks Tinkerbell lives at the airport since she has wings and can fly.
4.  I find M and L dressed as princesses at some point almost every single day.
5.  We have the most amazing neighborhood.  There are about ten kids that play outside together every evening, and all the parents come out and visit too.
6.  M and L are constantly covered in scrapes and bruises.
An update on our sweet baby Jolie:  
She has been sleeping through the night for a little over a month now.  The last two mornings she has been up at 6am.  After being spoiled with 7:30 or 8:00 this is killing me!  Hopefully she will work herself back into her previous schedule.  
Jolie started rolling over from her back to her stomach a few weeks back, and she finally figured out how to go from stomach to back a couple days ago.  Seems as though she is going to be on the move in no time.  M and L were 6 months before they rolled over.  I'm in trouble.
She has become a real momma's girl.  I love comforting her, but it is a real challenge towards the end of the day when she is a bit more clingy.  I can usually get supper on the table before she is demanding 100% of my attention.  We are so fortunate Maddie and Lena have each other.  They are pretty patient with me and the baby since they have someone else they can bug! 

Maddie and Lena start preschool next week.  Today I took them to their classroom to meet their teachers.  They were allowed to hang out and explore.  Most of their classmates were there, but they fell right into the routine of playing with their pal Maya.  They played lots in the kitchen, cut up some paper, and talked their teachers' ears off.  They are super excited to start next week.  There doesn't seem to be any apprehension about me leaving them on Tuesday (from either side!), but we'll see when the moment comes.  I'm sure I will be the one to crack first.  On the other hand, what am I going to do for five whole hours each week with just one kid?!
 Happy Jolie
 Build A Bear with Aunt Steph

 Maya's Princess Birthday Party- cutest thing you've ever seen

 Trying to roller skate
 Coolest pjs ever from Uncle Dave and Aunt Laurie
 Story time at Barnes and Noble

 At the zoo
 Petting a snake

 Love her!
 Three year checkup
 So much trouble!  They drew all over each other.
 Best dog ever.  They covered him with necklaces.  He drew the line at crowns and sunglasses.

 Innis Woods Gardens

My sleeping Princesses- found them like this at nap time one day

 We took the girls to Cedar Point with Grandma P last weekend.  It was SO much fun...for everyone.  There were tons of rides for M and L to go on, we met Charlie Brown and Snoopy, and we saw an ice skating show.  We got there around 11, and we didn't leave until 5.  The girls were completely exhausted, and they fell asleep as Chris and I carried them out of the park.
Eatin' Pop Rocks