Thursday, April 25, 2013

Grandma P came for a visit last weekend.  We had lots of outside playtime, went for ice cream, took the girls for tea and cupcakes, went to church, and had a movie night.  Fun weekend.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

 eating ice cream with daddy
 picnic lunch outside as soon as it was warm enough

 park playdates with friends

 painting outside
 Jolie is obsessed with "baby Kin" (baby Quinn)...
 ...and sunglasses.
 M and L at their school art show next to their self portraits.

Time with Grandma Smart

 a trip to Sweet and Sassy
 at the zoo

 field trip to Graeter's

And one last lunch out with Grandma (celebrating M and L going off the diving board at their last swim lessons) before she had to go home.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Our Easter weekend was spent with loved ones- David's family on Saturday (dying eggs, grilling, and playing outside), and Aunt Steph, Grandma, and Grandpa the whole weekend.  Easter morning before church we hunted for eggs the Easter bunny hid around the house, and then we munched on candy from our baskets.