Everyone said from the start, "You won't believe how fast they grow!" Now I know why. We went to the doctor last Thursday for a late one month check up (they were seven weeks old). Madeline weighed in at 10 lbs. 8 ozs. (born at 6 lbs. 6 oz.) , and Lena weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. (born at 5 lbs. 5 oz.). I couldn't believe it. No wonder their newborn clothes were too small! The girls have been super fussy lately. They cry every evening from around 4 or 5 until about 8 or 9. Yikes! It really sucks when dad isn't home to help comfort them. The doctor thinks they are a bit colicy. I hope they get over this soon. I dread the late afternoon/early evening. They also are extremely hungry during this time, but they cry while they take their bottles. Very frustrating. The girls have starting sleeping a little longer in the afternoons, but sleeping less at night. They want to eat every two and a half to three hours during the night. Needless to say, mom is still pretty sleepy. All in all, we are doing really well. Maddie and Lena are so much fun to watch. I feel like they are very loving-- we like to cuddle on the couch, especially when dad is home.
Maddie had to make a quick trip back to the doctor today. She had red bumps show up on one side of her face and neck yesterday, and I wanted to get it checked out. Turned out to just be baby acne. Poor thing. It isn't too bad...yet. She was weighed again- 11 lbs. 2 oz. Wow!! Ten ounces in four days. The doctor seemed pleased, so I was too!
Im sure people have given advice on crying babies. But here it goes anyways; vacuum cleaner, white noise, bouncing, walk, swaddle, swaddle, swaddle, (love the miracle blanket) hair dryer. Kaylin was a lot more fussy then Avery. I know how it feels to have a crying baby. Good Luck!
the "witching" hours are the worst. we had those with our twins too. The swing usually helped with at least one of them. good luck and just remember, "it's just a phase". Before you know it, they'll be on to something else! Hang in there!
All the best,
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