Monday, October 27, 2008

So, I have made this a blog about the kids, but every once in a while I add an update about mom and dad, too. I didn't realize I had not mentioned that I am now a stay at home mom. I'm sure with all of the posts and pictures you see on here each week, you probably assumed that was the case. It is such a change from going to work each day. While I miss my job (I worked at Abercrombie for over six years) and my coworkers, I love watching my girls grow each day. I am working more now than I EVER have. Who knew the most demanding job of my life wouldn't pay me a dime or give me days off! We send dad off to work each morning with big kisses, and look forward to him walking through the door every evening (he is sometimes the only other adult I will talk to in a day...unless Oprah counts). Surely sometimes he feels bombarded by conversation when he gets home, but I can't help it! I am starting to meet other stay at home moms, so I have others to talk to that know what my life is like now. While I am sure I will want to return to work one day, I feel very lucky I am able to stay home now! Here are a couple pics of the girls from today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - you don't know me, but I ran across your blog from a "link to a link to a link " from a college friend's kiddo blog. Anyway, it sounds like you could really benefit from a MOPS group - a Mothers of Preschoolers (i.e. ages 0-3) pseudo-support group where moms of young kiddos get together and dish, hang out, do projects - mostly just a time to have GROWN-UP CONVERSATION - which is scarce around here too! When the babies are a tad older, they usually have a childcare nursery for them to go while moms have adult time.
I am a former professional who is now home with 3 kids - # 4 on the way, and if I didn't have my bimonthly mom get-togethers, I'd go nuts! the link to find a local MOPS is - happy mothering!
Anne Dahmen