Monday, November 24, 2008

Good girls

Happy babies! It is so hard to get a pic of them smiling. They could have the biggest smile in the world, but as soon as I pull out the camera to snap them, they get a serious look and study the flash.
Got the end of Lena's smile.
Lena and Maddie were in really good moods this morning when they woke up. So was mom. I put them to bed at 8:30 last night. They just woke up at 7:45! I don't know that I could even sleep that long...well, maybe I could :)


LDonald said...

Hey Jen...not sure if you will remember me from A&F. It's Lexi (used to be Smith, now Donald) Just wanted to tell you your girls are absolutely adorable. I have to say, I think they look like Chris. :) I'm sure you hear that a lot.

LDonald said...

Being a stay at home mom is great! I wouldn't trade it for the world...although I'm getting to the place where I need some adult time during the day. Shanna gave me your blog address...she told me how adorable the girls are and I just had to see for myself. (she was so right!) I still can't believe you guys had twins!! If you ever want to chat, I think my email is posted on my profile. take care and talk to you soon.