Friday, May 8, 2009

9 months!

Lena has been up on all fours quite a bit lately. Their hair is really growing!
Maddie is still mostly rolling around...quickly!

Our nine month checkup went pretty well. The girls are super healthy and the doctor is happy with their development. Maddie weighs 22lbs., 12ozs. and is 28.75 in. long. Lena is 21lbs., 10ozs. and is 28.75 in. long. Lena lost a little weight when she was sick all last week. For those of you who don't know- or don't remember- the nine month check up is supposed to be an easy visit. shots. Unfortunately, we didn't get off that easy. We had one extra dose of the Synagis shot (for premature babies' respiratory systems- hard to believe they were preemies, I know), so they administered it for us at the appointment. It is supposed to be a pretty nasty shot- burns really bad when the medicine enters the body. So, needless to say, the girls don't like it. We were also there about an hour into dinner time, so everyone was hungry. L and M both cried for about the last 15-20 minutes we were there. As soon as I would pick one up, the other would start crying. Story of my life. Anyway, we finally made it out to the car. I got both girls loaded in when my phone started ringing. I grabbed my phone, jumped behind the wheel, and checked my voicemail. I was so ready to get out of there! I threw the truck in reverse and backed over my stroller!! Somehow the stroller made it out of this ordeal and is still in great condition. I did manage to bust the tail light though. A mom that was in the parking lot came over to tell me she had done the same thing twice when her kids were little. Thanks, lady, whoever you are. At least I don't feel totally crazy!! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms that read the blog! Hope you have a great, relaxing, stress free day!!

1 comment:

kati said...

that's totally something i would do :)

its impossible to tell that they were premies! lola is almost two and barely weighs what your girls weigh now! hahaha... you do good work :)

happy mothers day!