Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me :)

Yesterday was my 29th birthday. Chris came home from work with my favorite cake-it's his favorite, too! It has a layer of fresh strawberries in it, and it just melts in your mouth. We had it for our wedding cake, and it is beyond delicious. I went to dinner last night with a group of close girlfriends, and we were talking about what a difference a year makes...especially in my life. I thought I would throw the next picture on here to give everyone a quick glimpse back to my life last year at this time. Wow.
About two and a half months into bedrest. Blah. Look at that tan though!
I shared my cake with the girls (and my husband, of course). I let each of them just grab a fistful! They both got mostly icing, but it was fun to watch them try to shove it in their mouths. This is Maddie.
Lena enjoying some of mommy's birthday cake.

Quick note: If you leave a comment (which, by the way, I LOVE when you do) and you don't sign into Google under your user name, your post says it was written by "anonymous." Would you please sign your name at the end of your comment? I always want to know who my readers are :) Thanks!


kati said...

looks like your bedrest could have been better called sunrest :)

i'm jealous of your tan AND your cake!

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday! You look gorgeous. The girls are as cute as always too.