Friday, June 12, 2009

Nap time

Apparently this is what nap time has turned hour! Both of the girls are pulling themselves up in their cribs now. I just wasn't quick enough to grab the camera while they were both standing. Stinkers.


LDonald said...

This is hilarious!! It looks like they are just having their own little converstaion. Wait until they start chewing on those cribs. I find Rowan with paint chips on his face after most naps!

kati said...

yes, watch for crib chewing. these two are definitely up to no good :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Paint chips and crib chewing. You hate your hands full! They are so cute! I could never tell them no! Maybe that is a sign that I should never babysit! haha!

Anonymous said...

that should have been: you HAVE your hands full. Sorry