Mommy and Lena.

Our neighbors let us borrow their baby pool on Sunday. Their son, Collin, and Maddie and Lena took a quick dip that afternoon. Maddie was the first one to stay in the water. Let me tell you...it was chilly!

Collin is three and such a sweetie!

Lena trying to get her hat off. This was really the first time we have had them out in the sun for any length of time, so I was really worried about them burning. I put lots of sunscreen on and tried to put their hats on. However, they want nothing to do with them!

Collin was showing the girls how to use the slide.

The water was really cold when we first tried to put Lena in, and she was having no part of it!

Our awesome neighbors- Collin and Michelle.

Lena finally enjoying the water.

Oops! Splashed myself in the face!

Maddie accidentally dunked herself. She didn't seem to care though. After I quickly sat her back up she just blinked quite a few times, and she was fine.

Sharing the biggest rubber ducky in the world.

Hi dad!

1 comment:
so cute! we need to get the pool out soon...
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