Sunday, July 19, 2009

Up North

Max coming in from a quick swim.
Dad and Lena goofing around.
Chris with the girls, his mom, and his great aunt Elmira.
Auntie and L and M.
Auntie and Lena. The girls really enjoyed meeting Auntie. They gave her tons of smiles and laughs all week.
Max going for his first voluntary swim :)
Grandma letting Maddie play in the water.
Gma and Maddie, Uncle Jim and Lena
Auntie watching Max while the rest of us went for a swim.
Family shot.
Dad and his girls.
Lena splashing around.

Chris's Uncle Jim was camping about an hour and a half away from where we were staying, so we took a day trip to see him and his family. We went swimming and cooked out while we were there. They had warmer water there, so this was the first time the kids were in a lake. They loved it!
M and L liked the boat rides we went on. They immediately relaxed when the boat started moving, and they were usually asleep before we got back home.

Lena posing for the camera!
Mom and Maddie. I absolutely loved taking the girls on the boat. Since they are always on the move now, they don't like to cuddle too much. They would let us hold and cuddle them on the rides (typical mom thing to say, I imagine).
Dad tossing Maddie in the air.
Dad and Lena- Mackinac Bridge
Mom, grandma, and the girls
The girls watching Dora- their new love! We used our DVD player for the first time on our trip- well worth the extra money we payed for the van! We needed to buy a few minutes one morning in the house, so we popped Dora in. It literally only bought us a few minutes, however, it got us a cute picture :)


LDonald said...

Ok Jen, what kind of camera do you have? It takes amazing pictures!! (or it could just be the photographer:)) I still need to get a new one.

kati said...

i absolutely love all these new pics! looks like such a fun weekend. great memories.