Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

My parents were here for a nice visit over the holiday weekend. Once again, I have missed taking pictures of the girls with grandma and grandpa! Geez. Hopefully we will see them again soon, so I can snap a few.
M and L love to play in the laundry room. If only they knew how to operate the machines...
...then I wouldn't mind them playing in there so much!
My Grandpa and Grandma Henson made this rocking for my niece Brittian for her first Christmas. My brother was nice enough to pass it on to the next generation. Both of the girls are already pros at climbing on and rocking. In fact, they have also figured out that they can stand on it- dare devils! I have a bad feeling I will be posting a picture of a black eye soon.

I will try to get a video of them riding is too cute!


Anonymous said...

I saw one of these horses over the weekend at Robbie's sister's house in Olney. Christine had gotten one for her children when Dad was making them. Now her Grandchildren are riding the horse. They have already turned it over (frontwards). They didn't seem to get hurt though. They get up laughing. Good Luck. Aunt Cheryl

Unknown said...

Ahhh, little dare devils!! They are going to be JUST like thier Aunt Steph. Whahaha...prepare yourselves!!