Each time we visit Illinois we try to catch up with my friend from grade school Andrea and her little girl Amelia. Sometimes we get to see her mom too, which is great because Andrea and I practically lived at each others houses growing up. Amelia is just about one year younger than Maddie and Lena. My girls were clearly not cooperating again, but at least the pictures of my mom, Michelle, and Amelia are good! They are funny, because it looks like Amelia is trying to sooth M and L. I'm not sure what the deal is, but every time we sit them on someone's lap to get a good photo, they fall to pieces. They spent most of the trip running towards Grandma wanting to be picked up, so who knows why they were crying here!?!
I'm so glad we got to visit. Can't wait until your next trip to Illinois. Your blogs are always entertaining because the girls are so cute and funny. I proposed an idea to your mom at lunch - Girl Scout camp at Little Grassy - your mom, you and girls, me, Andrea and Amelia for an overnight in a couple of years!
Love it! It was a good time visiting with you and the girls. They are so cute and funny, especially some of the faces they made when they cried!
I'm so glad we got to visit. Can't wait until your next trip to Illinois. Your blogs are always entertaining because the girls are so cute and funny. I proposed an idea to your mom at lunch - Girl Scout camp at Little Grassy - your mom, you and girls, me, Andrea and Amelia for an overnight in a couple of years!
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