Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I was cleaning up in the kitchen after breakfast this morning, and the girls were playing so nicely in the living room.  I couldn't see them, because their toys are are a small corner.  They are just out of sight, but I could hear they talking and giggling.  M and L were playing so nice together.  After loading the dishwasher, I went to peek at them before heading upstairs to get dressed, and I found them in their toy box.  It was a pretty funny sight.  I had to grab our older camera that was downstairs, so I didn't miss the photo op.  Maddie was already trying to climb out, but I got them at the last second.  We have had so much snow lately, that we are all getting major cabin fever.  We ventured out this afternoon to run a few errands, but, man, is it cold and nasty!  We can't wait for spring!!!

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