Sunday, May 2, 2010

Half marathon

My friend Katy and I ran in our second half marathon yesterday morning.  Although it rained through the majority of the race, it was definitely an easier run than last year.  We finished a couple minutes faster this time- our goal was still to just finish, but we were able to pick up the pace a little.  I think we may have actually even enjoyed ourselves!  Neither of us get two whole hours during the day without kids too often.  We just have to run 13.1 miles in the rain with 10,000 other people to get some alone time. :)  Since the weather was so crappy Chris didn't get to take pictures downtown, but here are some of when we returned home.  I tried to get a shot with the girls again this year, but Maddie was not cooperating.  As you can see, mommy running a marathon really wears daddy and Maddie out (I love this picture)!


kati said...

you are my hero :)

and that dog in the first pic is cracking me up :)

Kim said...

Congrats, SuperMom! :)I like the last picture too! So sweet!

Andrea said...

Are you sure you're not Super Woman or She-Ra in disguise??? What an inspiration!