Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm not sure why I never thought to add bubbles to M and L's bath before last night (probably because I don't want the process to take any longer than it already does), but they loved it!  They probably said bubbles a good fifty times while they were in the tub.  They were putting bubbles on each other and giggling.  Poor things, I found myself trying to scrub the dirt off the front of their legs, but they are just so covered in bruises they look dirty!  Maddie has had her "first" busted knee for a few weeks now.  She just keeps falling and scratching them.  She points to it and says "doo doo" (boo boo).  

The swing set is totally finished!  Chris finished it up last night.  The girls and I will give it a test run this afternoon.

We planted a garden this year.  I thought I would have enough time during M and L's nap to take care of it.  I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, red, orange, and green peppers, zucchini, and some herbs.  Our first tomato and pepper showed up a couple days ago.  Everything is growing really well.  I didn't realize how easy it was to take care of a small garden, or I probably would have had one sooner.

One last thing, the girls are getting their two year old molars.  Maddie has one completely through and a second has broken the skin.  Lena has one that has broken the skin and one that is almost through.  I hate to use it as an excuse, but dang these kids have been grouchy lately!  So, I am totally using them teething as the reason.  Isn't it crazy how everything happens for them at the same time...teething, crawling, walking? 


kati said...

your garden looks so great! i am always impressed at how together you are.

i hope the teeth stop hurting soon!

Andrea said...

Wow, that is one big playset! We just bought Amelia one (smaller scale) for her first birthday. Now we have the joy of putting it together!!! I bet M & L will have camp-out sleep-overs on the top level of the playset in years to come! I know we would have!