Monday, August 23, 2010

M and L's birthday buddy Maya came over to play last week while her mom took her brothers to the doctor.  We "ate" cupcakes, tortured the dog, and watched  a little Dora.  They repeatedly asked for Dora, so I finally turned her on.  Wow!  These two year olds went wild!  It was like a group of teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert!  They all danced and ran around and sang the theme song.  It was really cool to watch the three of them together.  The girls are getting to the age where they want to actually play with someone instead of play next to them.  All three like baby dolls, so that is what they played with the majority of the afternoon.


kati said...

when did m & l become teenagers? they are looking older every post!

Andrea said...

I totally get the Bieber analogy as all my girls at school are in love with him. Dora has the same effect on Amelia. She stops in her tracks. What is it about that cute, annoying little girl?