Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lena fell down our stairs yesterday.  Chris and I were both standing close to the bottom, so we heard her start to tumble.  I have not seen Chris move that fast since I met him- no joke.  He somehow made it to the bottom to catch her just as she was falling from the last stair to the tile.  It was a total Superman moment.  Lena escaped with only a little rug burn on her nose, but she was pretty shaken up (as were Chris and I).  After everything settled down Chris found one of my high heels at the bottom of the staircase.  I think she was playing dress up in mommy's closest (as she often does), and tried to come downstairs in my shoes.  This girl desperately needs some of her own dress up clothes.

1 comment:

kati said...

awwww, poor lena and poor you guys! lola did that too, the week after her first birthday. she managed to hold onto the bottle of baby shampoo shampoo she was carrying. don felt soooo bad about taking his eyes off her while he filled the tub. i think it's worst on the parents :(
