Monday, December 12, 2011

Abercrombie had their first ever family Christmas party.  M and L were so excited about going to daddy's work party and getting to see Santa...again.  We saw him last week at our church's Breakfast with Santa.  The girls were great listeners (it's about dang time) the whole day, and they were so polite to everyone while we were there.  We have been working a TON on not whining, manners, and listening to mom and dad.  Anyway, we made ornaments, went down the huge slide, bounced in the bouncy house, ate pizza, cotton candy, and kettle corn, and decorated cookies.  We were getting ready to leave with our freshly decorated cookies when daddy accidentally dropped them on the floor- oops!  So, we made a couple more.  And then we bribed the girls with going home to eat them.  Worked like a charm.

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