Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our babies are two.  I can't believe it!  It just doesn't seem possible!.  I debated on whether or not they were too young for a birthday with friends.  My friend Katy's daughter Maya was born the same day as Maddie and Lena (the girls play together fairly often), so we decided to throw a party for all three of them together.  The party was at an indoor playground, and it was a perfect location.  We had a Dora the Explorer theme- to say all three girls love Dora would be an understatement.  We tried to get a family photo, but, as you can see, they just got worse as we took them.  M and L know when we want to get a shot, and they start kicking and screaming...ugh.  I have accepted that we will not have a nice family photo until our kids are grown.  Anyway, all the kids played for about an hour before we sat down to snack on PB&J sandwiches shaped like butterflies and flowers, grapes, Dora snacks, and pretzels.  Of course we had cake too!  The girls really dug in...especially Lena.  She was the messiest kid at the party by far.  Maddie got away without too much icing on her face, but only because she dropped her cake in the floor then stepped on it.  M and L were pretty worn out by the time we headed home, but they opened all of their gifts before bedtime.  They had a fantastic birthday, and they are learning to tell people they are two when asked their age now.

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