Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our garden is officially out of control.  Anyone who has ever grown anything probably could have told us to expect this when they saw how much we planted in such a little area.  This being our first shot at growing anything ourselves, we had really no idea what to expect.  Chris and I said from the beginning that this would be a trial year.  Well, we learned the plants I chose need at least twice as much space as we allowed them.  When we returned from vacation, the garden looked like it had been through a war.  The tomato plants were taking over everything else.  The zucchini and cucumber plants were dying.  It was just a mess!  Last night Chris pulled most of it up, so the tomatoes will have a fighting chance to produce some fruit for the rest of the season.  They must be the strongest of all the plants we had, because look at all the tomatoes I picked!  M and L eat these things like grapes, so we are set for a while.  Oh well, live and learn.  We already have a better game plan for next spring!


kati said...

love the new blog layout with the b&w pics. and your tomatoes look amazing!! i love "poppers" like those! yum!

Andrea said...

Ditto on the black and white photos. Very classic and sweet!