Monday, December 15, 2008


Precious dolls
The grandmothers
Proud parents
Jen's family
Chris's family
Maddie getting baptized, Lena's up next

Chris and I had the girls baptized Saturday. It was a really nice ceremony, and tons of our family was able to make it. We had a great weekend, and the girls have been SO spoiled! Chris's grandmother made the girls' dresses...aren't they beautiful?!?! She sewed buttons on the back from one of Maddie and Lena's great great grandmother's dresses. They couldn't have been more exquisite or special! Everyone joined us for lunch before we headed to the church, and then we had strawberry cake and pink champagne (a tradition my grandma Joan started for mine and my sister's baptisms) after the mass.

1 comment:

twinzac said...

They are STUNNING! Congrats! I just can't get over how precious they look in those exquisite dresses!