Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sleeping angels

Many times people ask if both of the girls are on the same schedule. Yes! If they weren't, I would probably lose my mind. They do pretty much everthing at exactly the same time- eat, sleep, play, poop. It seemed like it took forever, but they have been taking good naps now for a few months. For quite some time they would just cat nap throughout the day. Now they go down around 11:30- 12:00 and sleep for about two hours. They may doze off early in the morning or later in the evening, too. I took these pictures a couple days ago. I love to peek into their room while they are sleeping. They are so peaceful and sweet. It is easier to admire all of their little features when they are not rolling around the living room!

1 comment:

kati said...

look at those leg chubs! :)

a schedule is priceless, isn't it?!