Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Look Ma, no hands!

We are one step closer to walking (I think). M and L love to balance on their own. Lena has stood up in the middle of the room a couple times without pulling up on anything. You can tell they are so proud of themselves when they turn loose, and they don't fall down. They always look at Chris or I to make sure we are watching. I know these aren't the greatest pictures, but since it was just me with them, it was hard to get a good shot. Not to mention any time you sit in the floor they act as if you are a jungle gym, so whoever was not performing their balancing act was crawling all over me!

1 comment:

kati said...

wow, any day now! she looks so proud of herself. and it's only going to get harder to take pics of them once they are running around :)