Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Wonderland

The guy taking pictures kept asking if I would like a retake, but I said "No, thanks. This one's a keeper!"
Maddie with her Dora cup before we left the house. She barely even drinks out of it, because she is so busy looking at Dora's picture on the outside.
Miss Maya watching the puppet show.
Lena dancing to the Christmas carols while sitting on my lap.
Maddie is the one in the brown turning around to make sure I haven't moved. She got down off of my lap when the singing started. She had to get up close, so she could bust a move.
Tim with his little girl, Sophie. Maya is buddies with Tim, so Katy watched the boys while Tim kept an eye on the ladies.
Maddie "coloring." Both M and L were just stealing crayons off the coloring table. Lena ate an orange one. She was not happy when I took the last bit of it away before she could polish it off.
Katy's boys Jack and Adam love trains! Maddie is trying to join in with the big kids.
Katy and Maya
Both of the girls are in motion here...notice they are headed in opposite directions. I am surprised I got any pictures, since I spent most of the morning chasing one of them. This was a "Winter Wonderland" at a nearby senior center. It was probably better for older kids, but I decided to take the girls anyway. It went ok, but we had to leave our stroller at the door. I had a quick moment of panic before I thought we could give it a shot. I think they reacted pretty typically for their first time out of the stroller in public- they tried to get into everything possible! There were at least six Christmas trees in this place, and M and L found and tried to dismantle every one of them.
Adam and Jack still checking out the trains!


mommy moorefield said...

Thanks for taking the pictures!

Anonymous said...

M and L think the same about Santa that Owen does! Does not like this stranger and why do I have to sit on his lap! The girls are so cute! Cheryl