Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Very long day

As soon as I am finished with this post, I am going to have a glass of wine...maybe more than one. ;) Today started off with the girls and I taking our van in to be serviced. The headphones weren't working with the DVD player, so we had to take it to the dealership. It took them a little over two hours to install the new part. Let me tell you, my girls are pretty laid back. However, after being in the waiting room in their stroller for that long, they are not.
We finally got home, and I put them down for their nap. I couldn't find Max (he is usually right on my heels). After a quick minute of looking, I found him under our bed...next to his pile of puke. Sick. I cleaned up the mess, and went to lay down- bad headache was coming on.
This afternoon we headed to the pediatrician. Both girls have had a cold for the last two days, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't allergies or anything more serious. We made it back home a little late for M and L's dinner, so of course they were screaming in the car.
After dinner the girls were playing in the floor, and Maddie decides to bite Lena (Check out the mark she left on Lena's arm. Lena is in yellow.). More screaming. Shortly after, while I am in the kitchen cooking dinner, Madeline somehow knocks the gate down and climbs about half of the staircase. Not hearing any noise, I look around the corner to check on her. I see where she is, panic, and bolt up the stairs. She turned around to look at me and fell down about four stairs. More screaming. I have never experienced anything so scary! She didn't cry for too long, but Lena did. Sympathy, I guess. Lena took her turn falling in the kitchen later. She had pulled herself up on the oven (at least I had the door locked), and I think she just lost her balance. Oh yeah, Lena also spit up/puked twice today...who knows why?? Both times on me- duh, where else would it have landed?!? On a positive note, the day is over, and we are all still alive. I am going to get that bottle of wine out of the fridge ASAP!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ride on

Andrew and Jamie gave the girls gift cards for being in their wedding. I have been holding onto them until there was something the girls needed. Since they are pulling up on anything that doesn't move, I thought a walker would be good for them to use. It also folds down for them to ride on. They love it!


Friday, June 26, 2009

New challenges...

...for the kids... or for the parents? Look at that devilish grin. They know they are up to no good.
Uh oh...here comes dad!

Caught Lena

Dad to the rescue!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me :)

Yesterday was my 29th birthday. Chris came home from work with my favorite cake-it's his favorite, too! It has a layer of fresh strawberries in it, and it just melts in your mouth. We had it for our wedding cake, and it is beyond delicious. I went to dinner last night with a group of close girlfriends, and we were talking about what a difference a year makes...especially in my life. I thought I would throw the next picture on here to give everyone a quick glimpse back to my life last year at this time. Wow.
About two and a half months into bedrest. Blah. Look at that tan though!
I shared my cake with the girls (and my husband, of course). I let each of them just grab a fistful! They both got mostly icing, but it was fun to watch them try to shove it in their mouths. This is Maddie.
Lena enjoying some of mommy's birthday cake.

Quick note: If you leave a comment (which, by the way, I LOVE when you do) and you don't sign into Google under your user name, your post says it was written by "anonymous." Would you please sign your name at the end of your comment? I always want to know who my readers are :) Thanks!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bath time

Ready to get in!
Shamu splashing in the water.

The girls were both so excited to get into the tub. I don't know if it was because they never get in together, or because dad was there. They were squirming all over the place. You can see me trying to catch Maddie as she is slipping here.

When I laid them down, they sat up. When I sat them up, they laid down.
They were flopping around like fish out of water- ironic, huh?

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm not totally sure how Maddie got this bruise on her eye. After I put the girls to bed night before last, they were messing around and standing in their cribs. All of a sudden, Maddie started crying- a for real cry. I went into their room, and there was a tiny bit of blood on her sheet. I though maybe she bit her tongue or her lip, but I couldn't see anything. I still assume that is what happened, but I think she may have hit her face as well. Poor thing! She certainly didn't learn a lesson...she was has been standing in there every time since! First of many, I'm sure.
I just threw this picture of Lena on here, because it cracks me up!

Nothing sweeter...

than little ones in their PJs!