Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

My parents were here for a nice visit over the holiday weekend. Once again, I have missed taking pictures of the girls with grandma and grandpa! Geez. Hopefully we will see them again soon, so I can snap a few.
M and L love to play in the laundry room. If only they knew how to operate the machines...
...then I wouldn't mind them playing in there so much!
My Grandpa and Grandma Henson made this rocking for my niece Brittian for her first Christmas. My brother was nice enough to pass it on to the next generation. Both of the girls are already pros at climbing on and rocking. In fact, they have also figured out that they can stand on it- dare devils! I have a bad feeling I will be posting a picture of a black eye soon.

I will try to get a video of them riding is too cute!

Pre-Thanksgiving dinner activities

Happy Turkey Day!

Me trying to be crafty...

These dogs were ready for any scraps that might come their way (or for Grandma to turn her back- whatever came first!)
Lena- don't you see my tray is empty??

Lena really liked the cranberry sauce!

Grandma and Grandpa Parmentar- trying to get a good picture with the girls is very difficult. Of course the best one I took, Max was walking through it!

Uncle Zach was here for the weekend too. M and L love to play with him.
Dad after dinner.

Friday, November 20, 2009

First french braid

You are probably thinking this doesn't look like much of anything, but I promise there is a braid in there! It was going pretty well (as you can see from the next picture I gave Maddie the remote to hold onto...something we usually don't let the kids play with) until Dora's theme song came on. The wiggling around made it hard to keep a good hold on her hair, and it loosened a little. Still, not too bad for a first try. We'll give it another go before too long.
Sweet little Lena, just wanted to add a quick picture of her too. However, I couldn't get her attention away from Dora. I think her hair is probably long enough to braid also, but she won't hold still quite as long.
Quick story- both M and L are picking up on quite a few words. Madeline says thank you and shoes a lot. Lena is saying things like sock, hot, up, down. Maddie has also started saying Dora although her pronunciation is Dorrie (in a strange deeper voice than usual). We were at the grocery the other day, and I heard her saying Dorrie. I looked at her, and she was pointing to a sippy cup with Dora's picture on it. She was so excited to see her out of her usual position on the TV. So, being the sucker I am, I bought them the cups. I guess this is how purchasing random toys at the store starts!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random pics

Big girls

M and L are now climbing up into the kitchen chairs. They think they are hot stuff sitting at the table like big kids. Yesterday morning Chris and I were in the kitchen. When we turned around, they had each claimed a chair at the table. I'm afraid they will be up on the table before we know it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Playing with mom and dad

Maddie is learning to smile for the camera.

Just for the record, Chris and I do not like the girls' hair like this. There just isn't another option right now! I have tried everything I can think of to get it out of their eyes, but they rip all of it right out. So, I guess we will stick with this "do" until it grows out a little more. I forgot to post their 15 month stats earlier, so here they are-
Lena- 26 lb., 9 oz. (95%), 32 in. (90%)
Madeline- 26 lb., 3 oz. (90-95%), 32 3/4 in. (90%)
Hard to believe they were preemies!