Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mom, dad, and Stephanie were here for the long weekend.  The weather was amazing (almost 70 and sunny every day), so we tried to get outside and enjoy it.  I think it was probably the last of the nice fall weather we will see for the year.  Today it started raining, and it is getting cold...brrrrr.  We took the girls to the park down the road for a little while one morning.  Steph and Grandma played on everything with them, and they were eating up the attention.  Then Grandpa suggested burgers and fries for lunch, so Maddie and Lena were ready to leave.  It was so nice having them here- not only for the visiting, but for all the extra help they gave me.  Potty training two is really quite a bit of work, and I just don't have the energy my nonpregnant body does!  As for potty training, the girls had a rough weekend.  They didn't want to leave all the action to take time to sit on the potty.  Monday morning they got right back into the swing of things though.  We wear panties around the house and pull ups when we are out and about.  They HATE public toilets (who doesn't?).  Any moms have useful tricks to make them more comfortable?

1 comment:

kati said...

ugh, i do not envy you your double potty training! i wish i had some good tips, but considering my single 3 1/2 year old is just now getting it, i am not the one to ask :)
i just hold lola up while she's on the public potties so that she's really not putting any weight on the toilet. and i just talk it up like it's really fun. even though i don't let her touch anything :p the hard part is keeping muller from touching things when i'm dealing with lola!