Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So let me just complain for a minute, and then we'll get to the good stuff.  I am sick...again!  I have another sinus infection, and have been out of commission for the last few days.  Chris got it this time, too.  He had to leave work to go to the doctor, and it really takes a lot to get him to leave work.  Thank goodness my parents were here this weekend to help take care of the girls.  As you can imagine, there are absolutely no pictures from their visit- boo!  Next time.  Chris is now back at work, and I started another round of antibiotics yesterday.  Hopefully we'll kick this soon.
Now for the good news...Chris got a big promotion at work!!  We are so proud of him.  He is now a Director of Stores at Abercrombie.  He overlooks all of Canada and the East Coast.  We should have him at home a little more now, so the girls and I are beyond excited about that.  This is a much deserved pat on the back.  Way to go, babe!


kati said...

sucks about the sinus infection. could yours be partly that thing where some pregnant women always have stuffy noses?

but AWESOME about the promotion!! yeah!!! i have no idea how big the term director is there after being gone for 6 years but when i was there that was a pretty big deal. that is SO great. perfect timing, parm :) :) :)

mommy moorefield said...

Congrats Chris, so happy for you guys!

Oh My! Floral said...

Congrats Chris!!!! That's sooo awesome.