Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obviously I have taken a bit of a vacation from blogging this summer.  Here are tons of random photos from my phone that I finally got around to posting.  It is difficult to keep up for a number of reasons, but mostly because we spend so much time outside.  I have also had to separate the girls at nap time (one goes in the computer room) which is when I usually have a minute to write updates.  There are a few things that have happened over the summer that I want to write down, so I don't forget them:
1.  I had to remove a grape stem with tweezers that Lena shoved up her nose while we were at Burt Lake.
2.  M and L ask every day if they are starting school yet, if they get to ride the bus, and if we can go to Disney World.
3.  Lena thinks Tinkerbell lives at the airport since she has wings and can fly.
4.  I find M and L dressed as princesses at some point almost every single day.
5.  We have the most amazing neighborhood.  There are about ten kids that play outside together every evening, and all the parents come out and visit too.
6.  M and L are constantly covered in scrapes and bruises.

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